Our Services

Guide · Connect · Support · Empower · Serve
My Extended Family programming focuses on the needs of children from single-parent homes. We provide a safe, healthy environment where kids can explore new interests, connect with a community of peers, and receive positive attention and assistance from mentors.

Teen Programming

Building friendships with peers is critical for teenagers.

After School Programs

After school hours can be difficult ones for children in single parent families.

Individual Mentoring

Some children can use a little extra support.

Big Brother Big Sister

Building a family through individual connection.

Family Care

For interventions to succeed, children require holistic support.

Events, Trips, & Yomim Tovim

Having fun on meaningful days like Holidays goes a long way.

Educational Support

Everything is easier when you have someone in your corner.

Parenting Classes

Being a single parent can be as rewarding as any other form of parenting.